AppLock Download APK V2.0.6


AppLock can lock the SMS, contacts, Gallery, email, social networking apps, games, Settings, etc. When you want to lock any app, to protect your privacy. Of course app lock can also hide albums of photos and video, enter the password can see them in the app in the lock, after protecting privacy is so simple! use this app you can lock everything you want hide.high recommend for you.

AppLock Download Mobile Download

AppLock Screenshot

Features: WHAT'S NEW
AppLock is very hot app for android mobile ,and is necessary app for you help you hide private. AppLock by over 500,000k mobiles and have ratings of 4.5/5 based on 1600K votes in which 93K have given 5/5, whereas 130K have given 1/5.

Package Name: com.domobile.applock [Play Store]
File Size: 3.0 MB
MD5 File Hash: 5e335e961b5b974c9416497f9f88d3ec
Last Fetched: 2015-04-26 21:51:22
Version: 2.06 (2014101301)

Protects any apps using password or pattern
Photo Vault, hide photographs
Video Vault, hide videos
Customize background, set your favored photo
Fake cover
Profiles, easy to modify the locks
Automatic lock at provided time
Automatic lock at given location
Random keyboard
Lock switch(WiFi,BT,3G/4G Data…)
Widget for quick locking/unlocking
Locks incoming or outgoing calls
Lock technique Settings
Lock Google Play Shop
Speedy lock switcher on status bar
Re-lock policy: permit brief exit, no will need to unlock again
Protect against apps from getting uninstalled
Hide AppLock’s icon from launcher
AppLock may be prevented from being uninstall
AppLock can not be killed by activity killers
Little memory footprint and power-saving
AppLock Download APK V2.0.6

What is New OF AppLock
v2.06 fixed crash bugs

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