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Ice Box PRO is very useful app to freeze and store the apps you not use frequently and hide from desktop.Click icon in the Ice Box , can thaw and run. Lock screen after a few minutes, will automatically be…

AnTuTu Benchmark is a specifically for mobile, tablets for performance test. AnTuTu Benchmark is one of the necessary app installed, through which you can get the accurate equipment hardware information and equipment performance score. AnTuTu Benchmark includes “Memory Performance”, “CPU Integer…

Youtube is the biggest video share platform! You can view any type of video and film, and find videoyour interested in .Available for users to upload and share videos . Note: the system is in security considerations, limits must have…

System App Remover PRO tiny app for remove system app ,like google play ,CALC ,maps…Support backup and restore.System App Remover sale $1.90(vaule this price) ,now you can download it free. Note: the system is in security considerations, limits must have…

Flipboard is a personal news magazine app for android.with Flipboard you can find latest new ,follow topics ,fead fomous magazine like New York Times, PEOPLE magazine…You can also connect Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to Flipboard and quickly flip through…

System Tuner Pro is the most complete and powerful app of the android System adjustment suite: to monitor and record all activities, backup and restore * any * app, app to strengthen the task manager, CPU, SD and memory control,…

BusyBox is a standard Linux tools a single executable implementation. BusyBox contains a few simple tools, such as cat and echo, also contains some of the larger, more complex tools, such as grep, find, mount and Telnet. Some people called…

Towelroot a one-key root app , forged by Geohot. Unlike conventional Root app, the tool is to use a loophole to implement equipment Root. In theory support 4.4.2 and below . After the root need to install the SU manager!!…

Greenify help you identify those who have a bad effect on system performance and global energy consumption of the app, and through the unique green patent technology, prevent they consume your battery, take up your precious memory. After the greening…